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OGG-02091 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rep1.prm: Operation not supported because enable_goldengate_replication is not set to true

By November 2, 2014March 1st, 2017No Comments


OGG-02091  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rep1.prm:  Operation not supported because enable_goldengate_replication is not set to true


When I started the Replicat process in Target I Ended up with the Error

OGG-02091 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rep1.prm:  Operation not supported because enable_goldengate_replication is not set to true

In Oracle, Oracle introduced a parameter enable_goldengate_replication. This parameter’s default value is FALSE.

In order to enable the Replicat, we have to change the value of this parameter to TRUE.


ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION controls the services of Oracle Database for Oracle GoldenGate (both capture and apply services). On setting this to true  enables the RDBMS services used by Oracle GoldenGate.

Supplemental Logging is controlled by this parameter. supplemental logging is required for the logical replication of new data types and operations. Enabling supplemental logging add extra information to the redo log files so that changed vector is converted to SQL statements without having access to the database often. Earlier in GoldenGate, these added changes were controlled or handled by the Supplemental Logging DDL. 

From Oracle version, ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION parameter must also be set to enable the required supplemental logging for any new data types or operations.

All enhancements to supplemental logging required to support logical replication are also controlled by this parameter.

Enabling this parameter also include (but are not limited to):

  1. Transparent Data Encryption (including Tablespace Encryption) utilities used by GoldenGate Extract
  2. Service to read redo logs used by GoldenGate Extract
  3. Service to suppress triggers used by GoldenGate Replicat
  4. Service to handle transient duplicate handling used by GoldenGate Replicat
  5. Service to bypass referential integrity checking used by GoldenGate Replicat
  6. Services required to run Oracle GoldenGate in Integrated Extract and Integrated Replicat


If we do not set this parameter value to TRUE, we get the error OGG-02091


  • I started my Replicat Process REP1 in the Target, But it got abended.


GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 7> start rep1

Sending START request to MANAGER …

REPLICAT REP1 starting

GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 8> info al

ERROR: Invalid command.

GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 9> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt


REPLICAT    ABENDED     REP1        00:00:00      00:03:20

GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 10>




  • On Checking the ggserr.log file, I found the below error.,



2014-08-03 12:33:54  ERROR   OGG-02091  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rep1.prm:  Operation not supported because enable_goldengate_replication is not set to true.

2014-08-03 12:33:54  ERROR   OGG-01668  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rep1.prm:  PROCESS ABENDING.




  • show parameter enable_goldengate_replication





  • Set the value of the Parameter to TRUE







  • Start the Replicat on the Target





GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 11> start rep1

Sending START request to MANAGER …

REPLICAT REP1 starting

  • Check the Status

GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 12> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt


REPLICAT       RUNNING     REP1        00:00:00      00:00:00

GGSCI (ogg2.localdomain) 13>








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